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Discover the Latest Trends in Aesthetic Surgery: Insights from the 2023 ISAPS Survey

June 28, 2024 | Plastic Surgery News

current Plastic surgery trend

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Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the fascinating world of aesthetic surgery! Whether you’re considering a procedure or just curious about the latest trends, we’ve got you covered with the most up-to-date insights from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) survey on cosmetic procedures performed in 2023. Let’s explore the highlights together!

Top Surgical Procedures Worldwide

Thinking about enhancing your look with surgery? Here are the top five surgical procedures people around the world chose in 2023:

  1. Liposuction: Still the most popular, with 2,237,966 procedures. Although it saw a slight drop of 2.9% from last year, it’s a favorite for those looking to sculpt their bodies.
  2. Breast Augmentation: With 1,892,777 procedures, many people love this option for enhancing their bust, despite a 13.0% decrease from the previous year.
  3. Eyelid Surgery: A real eye-opener with 1,746,946 procedures, up by 24.0%! It’s perfect for rejuvenating tired eyes.
  4. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): This procedure helped 1,153,539 people achieve a flatter stomach, with only a slight decrease of 2.3%.
  5. Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty): On the rise with 1,148,559 procedures, up by 21.6%, it’s great for those wanting a refined profile.

Top Non-Surgical Procedures Worldwide

Not ready for surgery? Non-surgical options are booming! Here are the top five non-surgical treatments:

  1. Botulinum Toxin (Botox): Still reigning supreme with 8,877,991 treatments. It’s slightly down by 3.7% but remains the go-to for smoothing out wrinkles.
  2. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: These fillers saw a huge increase of 29.1%, totaling 5,564,866 procedures, perfect for adding volume and contour.
  3. Hair Removal: With 1,608,447 treatments, hair removal remains popular, though it’s down by 10.6%.
  4. Non-Surgical Skin Tightening: Up by 13.3%, with 831,583 treatments, it’s a great option for firmer skin without surgery.
  5. Non-Surgical Fat Reduction: Despite its popularity, this procedure saw an 18.9% decrease, with 631,212 treatments performed.

What’s Popular for Women and Men?

For Women:

  • Surgical Faves: Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Eyelid Surgery, Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift
  • Non-Surgical Faves: Botox, Hyaluronic Acid Fillers, Hair Removal, Non-Surgical Skin Tightening, Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

For Men:

  • Surgical Faves: Eyelid Surgery, Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction), Liposuction, Nose Reshaping, Fat Grafting – Face
  • Non-Surgical Faves: Botox, Hyaluronic Acid Fillers, Hair Removal, Non-Surgical Skin Tightening, Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Age-Specific Trends

No matter your age, there’s a popular procedure for you!

  • Under 18: Botox (62,146 procedures)
  • 18–34 years old: Botox (2,130,718 procedures)
  • 35–50 years old: Botox (4,350,216 procedures)
  • 51–64 years old: Botox (1,970,914 procedures)
  • 65 years or older: Botox (363,998 procedures)

Leading Countries in Aesthetic Procedures

Wondering where people are getting the most procedures done? Here are the top countries:

  • United States: Leading with 6,196,701 procedures, the US is a top destination for cosmetic surgery.
  • Brazil: Known for its strong aesthetic culture, Brazil performed 3,381,551 procedures.
  • Mexico: Quickly becoming a popular spot, with 1,714,952 procedures.

Final Thoughts

The 2023 ISAPS survey shows that whether you’re interested in surgical or non-surgical options, there’s a procedure out there for everyone. From the enduring popularity of liposuction and Botox to the rising demand for eyelid surgery and hyaluronic acid fillers, the world of aesthetic surgery is more vibrant and diverse than ever.

If you’re considering a procedure, it’s always best to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and what’s best for your individual needs. Stay informed, make educated decisions, and embrace the possibility of enhancing your natural beauty!

Ready to explore more about these trends or book a consultation? Feel free to reach out to us—we’re here to help you on your aesthetic journey!