March 31, 2020 | Spiral Lift, Thigh Lift, Uncategorized

A spiral lift is an alternative to the thigh lift that offers harmonious contours.
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It can be a hassle when fat keeps piling up in your problem area and can be even more frustrating when you have several problem areas. Often a response to genetics, it is common for people to have issues with excess fat in their lower body.
The spiral lift and the thigh lift are both options for correcting excess fat and skin on the lower body, but what are the differences between these?
What Is a Spiral Lift?
The spiral lift works to reduce and remove excess fat and skin from the thighs, hips, buttocks, and trunk.
The spiral thigh lift offers comprehensive body contouring by targeting multiple areas to create harmonious contours. A spiral lift is performed using the combined techniques of liposuction, thigh lift surgery, butt enhancement, and skin tightening (with BodyTite® or Fractora™).
How Does a Spiral Lift Differ From a Thigh Lift?
A thigh lift, or thighplasty, uses skin excision and liposuction to remove loose skin and stubborn fat usually just from the inner thigh area.
While a thigh lift is a fundamental element in a spiral lift, a spiral lift is so much more. The traditional thigh lift usually targets the inner thigh, whereas, a spiral lift addresses the inner and outer thigh as well as the front and back of the legs (full circumferential thigh treatment). You might want to say it’s a 360 degree thigh lift!
By treating the circumference of the thigh, the spiral lift creates smoother and sleeker contours.
Which Lift Option Is Best for Me?
The lift option that is best for you will depend on your goals and health needs. Every person has a different idea of what results they would like. Similarly, every person has a different body composition that will affect the techniques needed to address problem areas.
For example, a spiral thigh lift might be a good option for a person who lost a significant amount of weight (and now has excess skin and fat around the entirety of their lower midsection) or for individuals with pear-shaped bodies that are more likely to collect fat around the thighs, hips, and buttocks.
On the other hand, a person with a more narrow frame may gain weight on the inner thighs but have little to no fat collecting around the hips and buttocks. In this case, a traditional thigh lift may be enough to achieve the desired contours.
The best way to know which option would work for you is to go through a consultation. A consultation will give you a chance to share your goals and concerns with your surgeon, which will help them to evaluate your needs and give advice on which procedure would be best.
Want to Learn More?
If you are interested in getting a spiral or a thigh lift and would like to learn more about your options in El Paso, Texas, please contact Dr. Agullo at 915-590-7900 or fill out this form to make an appointment.
You can watch Dr. WorldWide perform the thigh lift procedure and more! Follow Dr. Frank Agullo, aka “Dr. WorldWide,” on Snapchat under the username RealDrWorldWide. #StayBeautiful